Saturday, April 23, 2011

We're ready for you Easter Bunny....

We made a cake for you...

Jeremy and I went to an Easter egg hunt at his baseball field.

We won the grand prize in the raffle!  I never win anything. Basket pictured below

Amelia helped Bethany clean her house!

We put our new baskets (or tin pails because I hate storing baskets and we can reuse these at the beach) out on the porch so the bunny can fill them!

Now mom and dad have to get ready!!

Tiki bar update...
The boys had a little extra help because our friends came by for a visit and Seth got roped into it.

Oh yeah, someone wanted to help!


the gerbdrians said...

tiki bar?!?! I can't wait to drink right by it in about a month. Awesome bunny cake.
Did you eat it all yet?

...all of us said...

I love the tiki bar, we'll be there for the unveiling!
~Auntie Jamie