Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Not sure why the font is messed up but I am tired of trying to figure it out!

I know I've mentioned the George (Jack, Annie, Bethany & David) family before but I've never said how much
they mean to us. Not a day goes by that I don't hear
Jeremy or Amelia ask to play with Jack and Annie. Not a day goes by without Jack and Annie asking to play 
with Jeremy and Amelia. They truly love each other likebrothers and sisters. They even fight like them at 
times. Rarely, but they do! When we think about wherewe live, our home being a home and how happy we are,they are the first thing we think about. "What would wedo without them" often goes through our minds. It's assimple as borrowing sugar, phone calls to the store 
because we/they need something, advice about life, 
taking care of each others kids, BBQ's on the front lawn...extended family that lives next door. We couldn't 
imagine our lives without them and we are so very 
grateful for their friendship!

Okay, enough blubbering. So, Sunday was spent on ourfront lawn. This is becoming the norm because it's
so easy to see the George's in passing, get to talking, 
pull up a chair and we don't want to get up. We startedSunday morning about 9am with coffee on the front
lawn, turned into lawn chairs, easy up tent for shade 
then In N' Out lunch, inside for naps around 1pm and 
then back outside until 5:00. It was lots of fun and 
they're what makes living here even better!!

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