Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Baby Meinhardt #3 - 34 1/2 weeks and counting....

I had my 34 week check up today (a little late since I am 34 1/2 weeks) and everything looks great!  The baby's head is still down and its back is on the left side of my belly, its butt is on my right side and legs are kicking way on my right side.  Jeremy and Amelia were much more central so they didn't kick so far on the side.  The heart beat is strong, it still has the hiccups ALL the time and we're just ready to meet the little one.  One bummer thing...they are not going to be able to do the c-section on Dec 18 like we planned.  The dr. is going to see if she can get it scheduled for Dec 19, which is a Saturday, and they usually don't schedule c-sections on the weekend.  If she can't book Saturday, the birthday would then be Monday, Dec 21!  A little closer to Christmas but she would be able to discharge me on Christmas Eve day.  Yikes...cutting it close.  Anyway, I now see the doctor weekly so I might know more on Tuesday when I go back.  I will update then....

For those of you who can look at ultra sounds with the right eye, here is #3.  He/she is looking right at you.  The big white section on the right is the cheek and side of its face.  You can see one eye and the little chin at the bottom.  It almost looks like its smiling.  Amelia has a very similar picture with the same CHUBBY cheek.


Jess and Jon said...

OK.... we all can't see a face with that one. How EXCITING... you are almost there mama. So sad I won't see you this weekend. Pooh!

the gerbdrians said...

looks like a girl. but i am usually wrong!

...all of us said...

How bout a between the legs shot so we can determine the gender???