Friday, December 18, 2009

First few days at home....

It's been a busy few days since we've been home from the hospital.  Ryan left town Monday (yes, the day I got out of the hospital) and Tuesday and then again for the day on Thursday!  Auntie Jacqui had a baby girl, Benny, on Tuesday!  Grandmommy arrived Thursday and Jeremy had his Xmas performance at school yesterday so it was my first outing with all 3 kids by myself.  I passed my first test with that one but Mabel slept through most of it.  Here are some random pics! If anyone has interest in watching Jbird perform, or not perform, his Xmas songs...go to  He's looking at me most of the time!

Miss Mabel bright eyed and bushy tailed!

1st bath at home and LOVED it.  Very unlike her sister!

Mary/Grandmommy bought an outfit for Mabel but it is WAY too big so she tried it on Amelia.  A little snug but it was pretty funny!

It's been a busy few days since we've been home from the hospital.  Ryan left town Monday (yes, the day I got out of the hospital) and Tuesday and then again for the day on Thursday!  Auntie Jacqui had a baby girl, Benny, on Tuesday!  Grandmommy arrived Thursday and Jeremy had his Xmas performance at school yesterday so it was my first outing with all 3 kids by myself.  I passed my first test with that one but Mabel slept through most of it.  Here are some random pics! 

1 comment:

the gerbdrians said...

So glad J and Amelia love their new sister. Also glad you're holding up, Sky! I cannot believe Ryan left for business the day you got out of the hospital. Crazy! Glad you survived.

Mabel is just darker all around (hair, skin, etc.) than Amelia and Jeremy -- or is it just the photos? She's so adorable - it's amazing how they can all look pretty different. Congrats on the new niece too! How perfect!