This could be a really wordy post thanking EVERYONE for ALL of your help so I will try and keep it simple! I had an emergency appendectomy on Saturday...yikes, it was the worst pain I've ever had. I mean, I can compare it to labor contractions minus the break in between. 7pm Friday night, I am doubled over and make my way to my bed and didn't move for a couple hours. I then got up enough effort to climb under my covers, still moaning like I am giving birth to a creature from another world. Thank goodness the kids were in bed because they would have been FREAKED out. By 4 am, it hurt to breathe but we didn't think I had an option (3 kids at home, couldn't drive, etc.) I know I know, I should have called you. Any by you I mean EVERY single person who found out and was pissed that I stayed home as long as I did. In case you don't know by now, I am a little bit stubborn and in denial that something could be THAT wrong. "I'll be fine and it can't be that bad". Well, it was. I drove myself to urgent care at 8 am (when it opened) and they sent me (I drove myself again) to the ER at UCLA Santa Monica. I wanted Ryan to stay with the kids. After two ultrasounds to see if it was an ovarian cyst, CT Scan because they thought it was an intestinal issue, elevated white cell count and a consultation by a surgeon (the ER dr on call was concerned about my pain level and pain to touch my abdomen because he was thinking about sending me home. Well sir, if you were that concerned, you could have given me some pain meds). When I was drinking the contrast dye for the CT scan I kept telling them it hurt more when I drank water. Anyway, 4:30 and they came to the conclusion that it was appendicitis. And so I went...into surgery. Fun stuff on a beautiful weekend. I feel better now, sore and it takes more out of me to do the things I normally do but I feel a million times better than Friday night :) So here is a quick thank you rundown....
Thank you Mabel for cuddling with me like this, for what seemed like forever, right when I got home.
Thank you Jbird for cuddling with me Monday morning while we watched tv. You too Mabel. Amelia was playing on the floor...she's not my cuddly one :)
thank you mom for hanging out with me in the ER and being there when I woke up, driving me home, coming back to make chicken noodle soup, my flowers, you
thank you dad for being there when I woke up, driving me home and playing with the kids
thank you Ryan for being Mr. Mom while I was gone, sending pics to me in the hospital and helping with everything when I got home including taking the kids away on a bike ride. Mabel's 1st bike ride.
Thank you auntie Jamie and family for bringing me breakfast in the hospital Sunday morning.
Thank you Auntie Louise for my favorite coffee cake, balloon and having us over so I could lay/sit while you chased my kids around. Playing hide n seek below. It was their turn to hide.
Thank you Jen Pickett for my flowers and taking Jbird over to play while the girls napped so I could rest.
Thank you Nat and Tiff for bringing over dinner on Sunday when I got out of the hospital. Yummy
Thank you Julie for dropping off a crap load of fruit and know it will get eaten here :)
Thank you Auntie "cole" for making us dinner and taking Jbird to a birthday party so I could rest :)
Thank you George family for my new puzzle, card from Annie and most importantly the pain killers when our pharmacy was out.
And to add to the craziness, my aunt Patty and cousin Jess are here to meet their newest family member Addison May who was born to my cousin Patrick and his wife Carrie.
I was able to take the kids up there to meet their great aunt and second cousin (we haven't seen Jess or Patty in 4 years) and hang out. It was sooooo nice to see them. I took Mabel up there again today while J and A were at school and she was enjoying time with both of them. No pictures except this one from lunch. Jess took pics so I will post when I get them.
You forgot to thank the Starbursts and your photo albums. They sure helped me ;)
Seriously, I know you know this, but we all just want to help so don't hesitate to ask if you need anything else. Ask Cole or Louise, they won't mind.
KIDDING! Ask any of us who love you.
So glad you have an amazing network up there (jealous)!! Wish I could have been there not only take part in the support but to hang with your little stinkers. Miss you sickey!! XO!
Glad you are on the mend.
Glad you have such great friends and family close by
Glad your kids are so wonderful
Glad Mabel finally looks like you- in the picture where she was cuddling, she looked JUST like J which means in tune, she kinds looked like you.
~Auntie jamie
Terrible! There is nothing worse than sick kids, until you get sick yourself! I'm glad the surgery went well and you're recovering well. I had a close friend go through that - it looked awful and I felt so bad for her (and she didn't have kids yet!!!!) Good job making it through. You deserve a great (easy) few weeks.
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