Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Day with our cousins

Courtney and the kids came to our house today and we had a busy day. We also watched my brother's daughter Kira so it was a VERY full house.

Courtney took Cece to Target and Jeremy was at school so I only had to make lunch for 4. Nothing like a color coordinated lunch.

Two beautiful girls!

Georgia and Kira loved holding Mabel while I went to pick up Jbird with Cece! Jeremy was surprised to see her and show her his school and introduce his teachers! It was super cute!

Down time with their blankies after Jbird got home from school

All ready for the beach! I decided to leave my camera at home so the rest of the pictures are from my iphone. Thank goodness I did...I looked like a sherpa as it was.

The girls in the waves!

Amelia and Teddy stayed away from the water (thank goodness because the girls and J were getting a little too daring in the waves). So we brought the water to them.

Mabel was relaxing and talking away in her car seat for the first bit but then wanted to get some rest so I put her in the bjorn.

Jbird playing in the water. He never ventured into the water on his own but he must have been inspired by his cousins because he was ALL ABOUT the water today. He came up to me and said, "mom, this is the first time I've been in the water by myself".


Hazelbug said...

Cute! How fun that you have such a big family for your 3 munchkins to hang with! Beach season is upon us :)

the gerbdrians said...

such a pretty family! what a good auntie and mommy, too. holy cow. i feel like a sherpa with two kiddos and hesitate to go anywhere when I'm watching more than 2 kidlets.

Meinhardt Family said...

Great pics! Ahhh, the beach looks so nice!

...all of us said...

SO fun to have the cousins in. Now we need some pix with ALL of the Little cousins running you ragged.
Any scheduled WHOLE family time in the near future?