Friday, October 23, 2009

Amelia's Field Trip to the pumpkin patch!

First child gets a full blown camera opportunity and the 2nd born gets the iphone camera.  Amelia has school on Thursdays like Jbird had for a couple years.  It's that time of year again for some fun field trips and photo opps.  Last week in class, all the kids made (I made hers) their t-shirts so we could find them in the patch.  Here are some pics of Amelia's 1st field trip :) 

Waiting to get in!

She touched EVERY pumpkin in the place and ran around like a kid in a candy store.  She loved it!

Train ride around the patch!

When we walked in the petting zoo, Amelia was greeted nose to nose by a goat.  She about climbed the fence to get out :(  Classic!

She warmed up to the baby goat and followed it around the zoo!

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