Thursday, September 10, 2009

Amelia's 1st Day at Emerson

Amelia started the school program that Jeremy did when he was Amelia's age!  Teacher Kathy is still the teacher and we did all the fun, same things we did with Jbird!  It was so neat to see Amelia on her own like a big girl.  It was also nice to get some alone time with her.  She's got such a personality.  When we first got there, she stared at everyone and took it all in.  She explored the playground and actually stayed in the circle during "circle time".  She sat in the same chair during snack time that Jeremy sat in EVERY day.  Creature of habit that one.  I wonder if Amelia will do the same thing.  Things went well until I left her on the playground alone!  The teacher's aid said she cried on and off the whole time (30 minutes) but she was able to distract her a lot. That's a good thing because the other moms were probably thinking I am a bad mom for letting her cry.  Once outside playtime was over, it was time for story time and art/crafts.  She sat in my lap for part of the story but then decided that front and center would be better.  Jeremy never left my lap at this age so it was surprising to have her jump up and walk towards the teacher!  She enjoyed play dough during arts/crafts but she really like pushing all the chairs back under the table (just like J).  Here are some pics of her on the playground during the 30 minutes that I was out there.  Same toys as J...maybe that's what having an older brother does.  She was ALL about the cars!

1 comment:

Jess and Jon said...

Such a BIG girl!!!! I love it.... You owe me a phone call poo face!