Monday, July 06, 2009

Fun Morning...not so fun afternoon but a good night!

We had a fun morning.  I packed the kids up and we went to a restaurant near the LAX south runway called the Proud Bird.  They had a blast.  There are old airplanes on display and Jeremy told me he wanted them to take off.  What did they like the best?  A potato bug that crawled out from the grass because the sprinkler was on!  Then we went to get J's hair cut (buzzed) and pick out ice cream for being such a "big boy".  After they woke up from their nap (and my nap), we went to our friend's house to swim.  What was not fun about it...Jeremy cut up the bottom of 4 of his toes on the pool floor.  Talk about drama...he cried forever and crawled around the house on his butt a couple times because "his toes hurt"!  The day ended well with a yummy kabob and fried rice (Ryan and I made) dinner and a walk with the dogs!  Night night kiddos!

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