Monday, October 13, 2008

Potty Training.....

So, J is almost potty trained! As of Wednesday, he has been wearing "big boy" underpants and LOVES THEM! We had 2 accidents on Wednesday, 2 on Thursday (both poop only) and none since then. Well, pee that is. He had a poop accident yesterday but we were told that takes a lot longer so no worries. He even held it for a couple hours while playing outside with his dad (daddy forgot to ask him if he had to go) and finally told daddy himself that he had to pee. He has even woken up from naps with a dry diaper! It was an exciting time when Ryan and I went to Costco yesterday and DIDN'T have to buy diapers! YAHOO!!!!! We will work on the poop now! Here are some pics from our playdate with Jack on Friday. We're hoping it becomes a social peeing thing and tell his friend's that "everybody's doing it"! Oh yeah, J wanted to take a nap in "big boy" underwear so we will see what happens. I will report soon....

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