The usual...take a picture when they wake up (in collage), birthday hug, presents, Amelia in her new outfit, a new pink baseball glove and ball and her new pink bike!!!
Auntie Jacqui took Amelia to Target for a special trip to pick out a present from her. Amelia decided last night about 8pm (while in bed and not going to sleep) that she wanted a baby doll with a bottle. HELLLOOOO, that would have been nice to know earlier. Anyway, she picked out just that with Auntie Jacqui!
So Auntie and Amelia were off to get a doll and one cake pop, a new water toy and a train ride later, she came home with her new doll that eats bananas and juice. She even speaks to you. Amelia is OBSESSED!
Did I tell you it's a Pinkalicious bike that has a baby seat on the back! Even more OBSESSED! She rode her new bike a little bit because she thought it was broken every time she pedaled the wrong way and it stopped but the baby was in it most of the day!
Her blue eyed, blonde curly haired doll loves her new life!
It was time to make the cake...
Is Amelia trying to tell me to stop blogging her life???
She picked a strawberry cake with vanilla frosting.
Happy belated birthday sweet girl! We love you!!!!
Amelia's Ice Cream Parlor (her bday party) is Saturday so we will be back!!!!